
Follow the News @ and Support Kiva

Living in a globalised world needs globalised social responsibility! That’s why I support in helping to fund entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia (e.g. Cambodia, Viet Nam) and Central/South America (e.g. Dominican Republic, Paraguay). On the – at least for me very exciting - occasion of the official launch of ecotox consult’s website I will expand my commitment at

25 US$ will be invested at for each RSS news feed subscription at So, don’t miss to subscribe to the RSS news feed!


Do you know is a non-profit organisation that provides a platform for internet users to lend money to microfinance institutions in emerging and developing countries around the world. These so-called local field partners lend the money to entrepreneurs in their local area. The Kiva lenders themselves do not receive any interest for their invested money.

Of course the Kiva system has to face criticism especially concerning the more or less fictional donor-to-borrower connections or the interest rates that are charged to the borrowers - not by Kiva but by the local microfinance institutions. Read more about these criticisms at the New York Times and David Roodman's Microfinance Blog.

However, I love the idea behind which is to improve the access of small entrepreneurs in emerging and developing countries to the capital market.


Follow the latest news @ & support

You can help to support by subscribing to the RSS news feed at For each subscriber will be supported with 25 US$ by ecotox consult • Dr. Michael Meller • ecotoxicological consulting service. All you have to do is to subscribe to the offered RSS news feed. After subscribing please drop an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to confirm your subscription. This is necessary, since the RSS feeds are anonymous. That’s all. Afterwards you may follow this campaign on


Conditions of participation

Subscription to RSS news feed and email confirmation does neither constitute a contractual relationship nor a pre-contractual relationship. The subscription to the RSS feed is completely free of charge. You may cancel the RSS-feed at any time (please refer to the manual of your news reader).

This special campaign is limited to the first 50 subscribers. Subscribers have no legal claim to loans made by ecotox consult • Dr. Michael Meller • ecotoxicological consulting service at

Your personal data (i.e. email address) will neither be used for any marketing purpose nor shared with third parties.

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